Tips to Sing Better: Keep it Simple and Make it a Habit

Tips to Sing Better: Keep it Simple and Make it a Habit

Practice 10 minutes. But do it everyday.

Don’t overdo on one day and ignore practicing for rest of the week.

Learning to sing is like learning to ride a bike. Anybody can do it! And YOU can definitely do it!

All it needs is to build the muscle memory, which naturally takes time. It is OK to practice for lesser duration each day, but it is very important to turn it into a regular habit in order to succeed!

Do you know that Riyaz offers quick bites tailored for you everyday? Riyaz will magically curate lessons for you to practice without the effort of picking them up yourself every single day.

Riyaz will magically curate lessons for you to practice without the effort of picking them up yourself every single day.

Remember – Keep it simple and Make it a habit!

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  1. Thank you for this wonderful app and articles. I’m learning a lot. My problem is that I’m bashful around my family when practice. How can I get over it. They don’t make fun of me. I’ve always been bashful. Once again, thank you all for this learning to sing app

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